How to Build a Proper Clash Royale Deck

One of the most common questions everyone is asking is, “How do I build a better Clash Royale deck?” Are you tired of playing the same meta decks repeatedly? Are you ready to escape the monotony of mid-ladder gameplay dominated by certain strategies? Don’t worry; Let us explain.” So, for this, we’ve created an ultimate guide to crafting an effective deck. Also, we will focus on how to create a deck tailored to your playstyle that can also excel in the game. Let’s dive in.

Identifying Your Playstyle

Many believe that the first step in creating a deck is picking an archetype, but that’s not where you should start. The crucial initial step is identifying your playstyle, which naturally influences how you play the game. Your playstyle will determine your success with various deck archetypes. For instance, if you’re an aggressive player, you’ll struggle with minor control decks because you’ll be too aggressive when you shouldn’t be. Conversely, if you’re a defensive player, bridge spam decks might not suit you, as you’ll miss opportunities to go on the offensive.

Identifying your playstyle falls into three major categories: Aggressive, passive, and brain-dead.

  • Aggressive players thrive with decks like bridge spam, cycle, and bait, which aim to control the game’s pace.
  • Passive players prefer defensive archetypes like control and siege, which require patience.
  • Brain-dead decks, often criticized for their simplicity, include beatdown and split-lane strategies, ideal for those who want results without exhaustive practice.

Choosing the Right Archetype and Win Condition

Once you’ve identified your playstyle, select an archetype that aligns with it. There are archetypes within each playstyle, and it’s crucial to choose one that suits your preferred approach. However, if you have a specific win condition in mind, you can select an archetype that features it.

Now, let’s pick your win condition. The win condition is the core card your deck centers around. It’s the card that deals direct tower damage. Not having a win condition is a common mistake when creating homemade decks. Throwing random cards together won’t lead to consistent success. The best win conditions currently include Miner, Hog, and Graveyard, but all can be effective if used correctly.

Adding Wildcard Cards and Fine-Tuning

Clash Royale Deck
Image Credit: Supercell

After choosing your win condition, select support cards. Ensure you have at least one splash damage card, as swarm cards are prevalent in Clash Royale. Consider the synergy between your splash card and the win condition. Next, pick two air-targeting cards, which can sometimes overlap with your splash card. Air defense is vital to countering Lava Hound and Balloon threats.

Now, decide on your spells. You typically need two spells, with one being a small spell. Big spells include Lightning, Rocket, and Fireball, while small spells encompass Log, Zap, and Snowball. Choose spells that synergize with your deck and win conditions. If you’re unsure about the small spell, the Log is a safe choice, except for Graveyard decks. Your other spell can also be another small spell or something unconventional like Freeze, Clone, or Mirror.

Finally, complete your deck with wildcard cards to fill any gaps left by your other choices. Add another win condition if you lack offense, or a building if you need more defense. Consider point damage cards like Inferno Dragon or Mini P.E.K.K.A to deal with tanks, especially in cycle decks. Don’t forget cycle cards such as Skeletons, Goblins, or spirits.

There you have it; The formula we use to build our successful homemade decks. Remember to be patient and adapt your deck through trial and error until it fits your playstyle like a glove. Once you find the winning combination, stick with it and make it your own.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Clash Royale Deck?

The Clash Royale deck is a set of eight cards that players use to battle against opponents.

How Do I Create a Balanced Clash Royale Deck?

To create a balanced deck, consider a mix of offensive and defensive cards, as well as a variety of elixir costs.

What Are the Different Card Rarities in Clash Royale?

Cards in Clash Royale come in four rarities: Common, Rare, Epic, and Legendary.

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