Wondering what are the best minis to add to your troop? Look no further, as this Warcraft Rumble tier list is all you’ll ever need.
Warcraft Rumble, by Blizzard Entertainment is a relatively new game and players, especially beginners, may require some assistance regarding what to add to their troops. Getting new minis from the G.R.I.D requires gold coins and can become pretty expensive. Especially for beginners, the amount of gold coins can be scarce, hence a player must think twice before purchasing a new mini and investing resources in it. Otherwise, they might end up bringing in a less effective mini to their team, which could reduce their chances of winning.
And if you’re a newbie looking for the best minis for your team then you’re in the perfect place. Here’s a comprehensive Warcraft Rumble tier list ranking every mini and leader from SS to B, depending on their effectiveness.
Warcraft Rumble Tier List
Presented below is a Warcraft Rumble tier list for 2023. The minis at the top of this tier list are deemed strong and effective in all aspects, while the ones below are underperforming leaders. Additionally, the minis with (L) are leaders who lead the troops in battle.
Tier | Mini | Mini Type | Attack Type | Talents |
SS | Baron Rivendare (L) | Melee | Single target | Death Pact, Skeletal Frenzy, Chill of the Grave |
SS | Rend Blackhand (L) | Flying | Area of Effect | Flaming Soul, Scale and Steel, Legionnaire |
SS | Tirion Fording (L) | Melee | Single target | Divine Shield, Consecrate, By The Light |
SS | Quilboar | Melee | Single target | Bristleback, Tunnel Vision, Bramble Burst |
SS | Darkspear Troll | Ranged | Single target | Bid Bad Voodoo, Headhunting, Serpent Sting |
SS | Blizzard | Spell | Area of Effect | Cold Snap, Icecrown, Brittle Ice |
SS | Defias Bandit | Melee | Squad | Deadly Poison, Pick Lock, Last Resort |
SS | Gryphon Rider | Flying | Single target | Air Drop, Odyn’s Fury, Mighty Throw |
SS | Drake | Flying | Area of Effect | Mother Drake, Roost, Engulfing Flames |
SS | Stonehoof Tauren | Melee | Single target | Pummel, Momentum, Provoke |
SS | Pyromancer | Ranged | Area of Effect | Pyroblast, Conflagrate, Blaze of Glory |
SS | Huntress | Ranged | Area of Effect | Darnassian Steel, Elven Might, Shadowmeld |
SS | Whelp Eggs | Flying | Squad | Rookery, Flame Burst, Chromatic Plating |
SS | Harpies | Flying | Squad | Infectious Swipes, Trinket Collectors, Talon Dive |
SS | Abomination | Melee | Area of Effect | Noxious Presence, Cannonball, Fresh Meat |
SS | S.A.F.E. Pilot | Ranged | Area of Effect | Gnomish Cloaking, Comin’ In Hot!, Gnomish Muttonizer |
SS | Chain Lightning | Spell | Area of Effect | Brilliant Flash, Storm’s Reach, Reverberation |
S | Hogger (L) | Melee | Area of Effect | Ham Hock, Spoiled Meat, Fatal Frenzy |
S | Old Murk-Eye (L) | Ranged | Area of Effect | Tip of the Spear, Marathon of the Murlocs, Electric Eels |
S | Bloodmage Thalnos (L) | Ranged | Area of Effect | Bane, Drain Life, Dominance |
S | Maiev Shadowsong (L) | Melee | Area of Effect | Enveloping Shadows, Shadowstep, Remorseless |
S | Sneed (L) | Melee | Area of Effect | Mine is Money, Friend!, Lead With Greed, Land Grab |
S | Banshee | Ranged | Single target | Soul Eruption, Unholy Frenzy, Will of the Necropolis |
S | Necromancer | Ranged | Single target | Cult of the Damned, Jeweled Skulls, Breath of the Dying |
S | Gargoyle | Flying | Single target | Wing Buffet, Obsidian Statue, Aerial Superiority |
S | Gnoll Brute | Melee | Area of Effect | Rabid, Pillage, Thick Hide |
S | Core Hounds | Melee | Squad | Fiery Rebirth, Guard Dog, Eternal Bond |
S | Prowler | Melee | Single target | On the Prowl, Pack Leader, Predatory Instincts |
S | Bat Rider | Flying | Area of Effect | Flaming Pitch, Enchanted Vials, Fiery Surplus |
S | Flamewaker | Ranged | Area of Effect | Heat Stroke, Engulf, Backdraft |
S | Warsong Raider | Melee | Single target | Saboteur, Razing Focus, Sunder Armor |
S | Meat Wagon | Ranged | Area of Effect | Meat and Bones, Filet Trebuchet, Greased Gears |
S | Earth Elemental | Siege Specialist/Melee | Single target | Ready to Rumble, Shrapnel Blast, Obsidian Shard |
S | Frostwolf Shaman | Ranged | Single target | Earthwall Totem, Lighning Mastery, Earth Shield |
A | Cairne Bloodhoof (L) | Melee | Area of Effect | Reincarnation, Plainsrunning, Aftershock |
A | Charlga Razorflank (L) | Ranged | Single target | Nature’s Grasp, Cavernous Mists, Spirit Passage |
A | Sylvanas Windrunner (L) | Ranged | Single target | Black Arrow, Banshee’s Wail, Forsaken Fury |
A | Jaina Proudmoore (L) | Ranged | Single target | Blink, Clearcasting, Flurry |
A | General Drakkisath (L) | Melee | Single target | Chromatic Scales, Piercing Blows, Lasting Legacy |
A | Ogre Mage | Ranged | Area of Effect | Frostfire Bolt, Ignite, Avarice |
A | Holy Nova | Spell | Area of Effect | Inner Fire, Renew, Amplify Magic |
A | Warsong Grunts | Melee | Squad | Blood Pact, Guard Duty, Command |
A | Spiderlings | Melee | Squad | Bloated Carapace, Frostbite, Envenom |
A | Skeletons | Melee | Squad | Questing Buddies, Cackle, Exhume |
A | Harvest Golem | Melee | Single target | Trojan Chickens, Unstable Core, Bountiful Harvest |
A | Execute | Spell | Area of Effect | Bloodthirsty, Killing Spree, Overpower |
A | Raptors | Melee | Squad | Strength in Numbers, Fast Food, Motivation |
A | Murloc Tidehunters | Ranged | Squad | Safety Bubble, Careful Aim, Morelocs |
A | Footmen | Melee | Squad | Shield Bash, Fortification, Last Stand |
A | Dark Iron Miner | Melee | Single target | Dark Iron Armaments, Gold Mine, Dwarven Ambition |
A | Vultures | Flying | Squad | Tendon Rip, Feeding Frenzy, Migration |
B | Skeleton Party | Melee/Ranged | Squad | 5-Man, Corpse Run, Ritual of Rime |
B | Polymorph | Spell | Area of Effect | Golden Fleece, Exploding Sheep, Stable Transfiguration |
B | Cheat Death | Spell | Area of Effect | Seal Fate, Vampirism, Apocalypse |
B | Worgen | Melee | Single target | Lone Wolf, Premeditation, Frenzy |
B | Fire Elemental | Melee | Area of Effect | Immolation Aura, Molten Core, Fan the Flames |
B | Smoke Bomb | Spell | Area of Effect | Strangers in the Night, Band of Thieves, Through the Shadows |
B | Goblin Sapper | Siege Specialist | Squad | Extra BOOM, Rocket Powered, Crude Gunpowder |
B | Ghoul | Melee | Single target | Bone Shield, Ravenous, Taste for Blood |
B | Plague Farmer | Ranged | Area of Effect | Parting Gift, Virulence, Splashing Pumpkins |
B | Living Bomb | Spell | Area of Effect | Burden of Fate, Chain Reaction, Blast Radius |
B | Arcane Blast | Spell | Area of Effect | Amplification, Arcane Power, Torrent |
B | Firehammer | Ranged | Single target | Moultin’ Metal, Blazing Speed, Heightened Rage |
B | Molten Giant | Melee | Single target | Threatening Presence, Blood Of The Mountain, Bolster |
B | Angry Chickens | Melee | Squad | Snackrifice, Walking Crate, Furious Fowl |
B | Deep Breath | Spell | Area of Effect | Attunement, Melting Pot, Double Dragon |
B | Mountainer | Ranged | Squad | Frenzied Spirit, Mend Pets, Intimidation |
Best Warcraft Rumble Minis For 2023
In this Warcraft Rumble tier list, you will see several minis above and beyond the rest. Whether they’re a great leader for your troop, cost-efficient, or their overall effectiveness, these Warcraft Rumble minis excel in all aspects.
Baron Rivendare

Baron Rivendare is a powerful Undead Leader in Warcraft Rumble. He has high health, is fast, and deals elemental damage. That said, he can also catch up to friendly troops who require immediate assistance. Additionally, with his Death Pact, he can sacrifice a nearby skeleton for him to heal. This talent makes him more challenging to take down, as he has excellent survivability.
Rend Blackhand

Rend Blackhand is also one of the best leaders on our Warcraft Rumble tier list, mainly because of how effective this leader is. He deals tons of damage in an area of effect (AoE) while also being able to fly, countering any melee-type minis. Moreover, he can also transform into melee form after being taken down with his drake. Rend Blackhand will then attack the opponent with himself, dashing and stunning them. His talent also makes him a great leader, as it lessens the cost of other flying troops, having the possibility to attack with a flying horde.

The Quilboar is an Unbound Melee Mini in Warcraft Rumble. It is a slow-emerging burrower with high health and is resistant to elemental damage. That said, the Quilboar in Warcraft Rumble is a tanky beast, being able to frontline against any melee and ranged minis. However, players must take his talent, called “Tunnel Vision,” to deploy him as much as possible.

The Huntress is also one of the top picks in our Warcraft Rumble tier list for taking down enemies with a single shot. Its projectile bounces off multiple nearby enemies, taking damage in progress. This unit is also the best for clearing flying-type minis, as they’re more vulnerable to ranged types like the Huntress.

Last, but certainly not the least, is the Blizzard. This spell is a powerful blizzard, raining down on opponents in a circular area of effect (AoE.) It deals a massive chunk of damage while also slowing down enemies who are caught in the AoE. The Blizzard is effective against a horde of enemies marching in groups.
Warcraft Rumble Tier List Criteria
Here are the following criteria for our Warcraft Rumble tier list.
- Tier SS: These are the must-have minis in Warcraft Rumble. Players must prioritize getting them over any other units in the game. They are all perfect in the current meta, and putting them in your team will yield significant benefits.
- Tier S: They are inferior to tier SS minis but still viable. Players can replace tier SS minis who they don’t have with these heroes. It is also safe for players to level up and upgrade these minis until they get their preferred tier SS minis.
- Tier A: These minis are mid-tier across all tiers. They somewhat lack special abilities that will make them more formidable in battle. However, they can still be viable when paired with the right troops.
- Tier B: These minis should not be used by anyone. They are not currently good in the meta, bringing little to no benefit when deployed. It is better to save your experience tomes to other minis in higher tier.
That concludes Game Masters HQ’s Warcraft Rumble Tier List. This tier list will serve as a guide to help beginners determine which characters are the best to invest in and add to the team. However, it is all up to the players whether they want to put their favorite Warcraft characters on their team. After all, there’s no stopping you about your preferences in-game.
For more information about this game, check our Warcraft Rumble guide for more tips and tricks. For other guides, news, and reviews about your favorite games, be sure to check GameMastersHQ to stay updated.